I start from vegetables because they are the ones that cause less intestinal problems, have fewer simple sugars and have a very high concentration and density of protective nutrients compared to calories.
What does it mean? It means that foods give calories and that for the same amount of calories free radicals are produced and that these must be countered if in excess with vitamins, minerals and polyphenols of which vegetables are the best representatives.
In bio-food terms we have plastic foods which are used to build tissues such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids which also give many calories, biochemical elements which are vitamins and minerals and which, if deficient, block many metabolic reactions making life difficult if not impossible in the long term as elements of the various biochemical processes that transform plastic elements into kcal, energy, heat, ATP or construction material. And then there are the elements that do not belong to one or the other category and which are the protective elements of the body that are also used by plants, such as polyphenols, flavonoids and flavonols, anthocyanins. The precise role of which has not yet been clarified, but is essential as an adjuvant to good health and a protective anticancer effect. Their action is still being studied and we are faced with them as we were with vitamins at the beginning of the 20th century. So still too little is known. The effects of these substances are not well known, but they have a mainly antioxidant and adjuvant action in many detoxification processes in the body. They act on the circulation and on the prevention of inflammations which underlie many chronic degenerative diseases. What do vegetables contain that make them so important?
They contain insoluble fibers such as cellulose and lignin and soluble fibers such as pectins, which we will later see are also essential as a step to prevent disease. They contain a lot of water and help the body to hydrate, they contain minerals and vitamins if they have not been lost with the cooking process, they contain polyphenols to protect and protect us. They also contain prebiotics such as chicory inulin and others that nourish our intestinal microbiota which is so important for the health of the whole body.
They have a high polyphenol content, not like spices, but still high considering the few calories.
You will have to consume the vegetables fresh and raw at least 200 gr. per day and cooked for the same quantity.
Who should eat the least vegetables? only people who have had an operation on the digestive organs, at least in the beginning and until there has been a full recovery. Sometimes they can be introduced, but blended or centrifuged eliminating the fibers. They must be reduced or centrifuged in acute intestinal inflammatory states and in cases of diverticula or in cases of specific proven allergies or intolerances. So as you can see very few people do not have to consume vegetables in their diet. An important thought must be placed on the cooking method. Boiling is the worst cooking method as with it many water-soluble vitamins and many minerals are lost, denaturing numerous useful polyphenols.
To maintain useful properties, they must be lightly scalded or steamed. The less cooked the better. Exception made however for the tomato whose carotenoid lycopene is activated by cooking. It is essential in the prevention of prostate cancer and is proven by numerous studies.
If you know you have a predisposition to colorectal cancer you could increase the amount of brassicaceae and therefore eat more Brussels sprouts and broccoli. These are rich in sulfur molecules and indole 3 carbonols which are extremely useful for health. Less on the other hand if you have thyroid problems and in that case you will have to reduce their quantity. Increase spinach if you need more folic acid or have intestinal inflammation problems, to be reduced instead if you suffer from stones as they are rich in oxalates unless well combined in food terms.